The book was designed as an archive of the Residencyby Designregio 2017 in Belgium.
I am the author of drawings and graphic work of the book.
2018-21 freelance collaboration with design shop in Northern Portugal - Tabacaria Gomes.The brand identity was created surrounding the shop’s geographic location and cultural influence.
In addition, I was responsible for the design of the web content, prints, product development,
scenography and shop front display.
2017-18 design director at Muxima Bio cosmetics, in Lisbon, PT.Muxima Bio is a bio-cosmetic company linked to sustainability, scientific research, feminism and anti-racist movements.
My assignments included visual identity, social media , print and web content, and product development.
2018-21 freelance collaboration with MaxLiss Professional cosmetics in Amesterdam.I have developed their visual identity and content for the digital channels. And it is relevant to add that all the content was
in the native language - Dutch, and this was never a constraint in the development of the designs.
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